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A Look on the Reasons for Bad Breath

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how-to-stop-bad-breath1-250x180Contrary to what we were oriented to when we were younger, bad breath has various causes that could be truly disturbing. We are not making big issues here regarding the “supposed” integral components of growing up.
We all have shed our first teeth and each went their own way in distinct processes. Some were removed professionally; others were let to decay on their own. The latter normally caused us more trouble than if we chose, in the first place, to pay a visit to our dentist and have our precious teeth checked.

One of the many troubles that most of us have encountered particularly during our childhood is bad breath. It’s a sad thing though that still, many adults are under the process of purgation towards their way for heavenly smelling breath.

It’s worth repeating that the major cause of bad breath is the decay of a teeth or unfortunately, the host of them. These play as good breeding grounds along with the spaces between them, for the anaerobic bacteria that produce VSCs.
VSCs are volatile sulfuric compounds that are agents in creating tinges of foul odour in our mouth. If left unrestrained, the growth would turn into a massive, colossal wall between having healthy breath from that which is not.

  • Apart from some medical conditions that do not directly affect the mouth such diabetes and liver problems, the main reason for bad breath usually is the widespread growth of such bacteria.
  • Another main reason (or probably a cause too) is the accumulation of yellow or whitish film on the surface of the tongue. This is caused by the mouth debris that sticks into unclean or unbrushed tongue.
    This accumulation normally builds up in the posterior region of the tongue. Elimination of this film though would not warrant the removal of bad breath but would help relive some of the symptoms.
  • Drying of the mouth is also pointed out regularly s the main reason for bad breath. Anaerobic bacteria, by their nature, can have optimized survival when they are in environments with lesser oxygen level. Thus, when the mouth dries due to mouth breathing and several medical conditions that brings about the same effects, they are likely to multiply and spread more. This would likely end up with higher release of volatile sulfur compounds that, as we have already mentioned, are agents for releasing foul odour through the process of disintegrating chemical compounds and mouth debris.
  • Additionally, once the mouth area is deprived of the necessary circulation of oxygen, the pH level is likely to be altered, thus creating an effect of producing an environment that is conducive for the increase of anaerobic bacteria.Even with hosts of products that offer effective means for combating xerostomia or mouth drying, there is still too few that live up to their claims. Too few are effective enough to ensure a patient from eliminating the dryness of the mouth.

There are other reasons for bad breath aside from what we have already stated above. Some include those with non-oral origins and others are related with psychological disorders.

  • Halitophobia, an interesting condition is marked by the presence of compulsive ideas that constantly plague the thoughts of a person, for whether he truly has bad breath or not. In fact, this imagined condition is graver than normal bad breath since patients of this disorder are likely to contemplate on suicides. On its onset though, halitophobics would try to isolate themselves from the public for the fear of ridicule due to bad breath.
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